戦には勝ったのに……哀しきサムライの最期 赤座直保 |BEST TiMES(ベストタイムズ)

BEST TiMES(ベストタイムズ) | KKベストセラーズ

戦には勝ったのに……哀しきサムライの最期 赤座直保

第二十五回 SAMURAIファイル 赤座直保

〈以下 英訳〉

Akaza Naoyasu

It was said that for a samurai, dying a glorious death in battle or by ones own hand through Hara-kiri was deemed the ultimate way to go. To die lying down, or in a bed was seen as a most undignified way to die. Despite taking part in battles and duels, not all samurai died a death befitting a samurai. Especially one such as Akaza Naoyasu.


Akaza Naoyasu was the son of Akaza Naonori, a close retainer of Oda Nobunaga who perished along with his master in the attack on the temple of Honnoji. Naoyasu then served under Hideyoshi and fought in the capture of Iwatsuki and Oshi Castles, and at the Siege of Odawara. During the Sekigahara campaign, Naoyasu and his 600 troops were initially placed under the Otani garrison, however near the end of the battle, he was one of those who betrayed the West, turning to assist the Eastern cause at the last minute. Despite his assisting the Tokugawa to victory, following the battle, he would lose his lands and title, only to become a retainer of Maeda Toshinaga, who placed Naoyasu in charge of Mattou Castle, (modern-day Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture)

Naoyasu had fought bravely in a number of violent and bloody battles, even surviving the bloodbath that was Sekigahara, but met an inglorious death in 1606. While on patrol of his domain and inspecting the flooded Daimon River, he fell from his horse, was pulled under by the current and was drowned.

At least he met his end in the name of duty.



クリス グレン

くりす ぐれん



